Men's trail-running shoes. Ideal model for training over short distances and for hiking. Recommended for use on terrain with medium-technical difficulty following a medium pace (between 4 to 5 minutes and a half per km). Stability, durability, and comfort are its strong points.
The upper maintains a combination of different materials. On one hand, it features generic nylon for technical use with breathable properties and VTS perforations, improving perspiration ventilation. The shoe is protected and adjustable by stitched PU synthetic parts. Featuring an extra PROTECTION reinforcement at the toe to protect against external impacts. Padded and breathable tongue held in place with elastic laces.
The midsole is made of phylon of quality and resistance, sectioned to help adapt to the foot-step and the terrain.
The DURABILITY rubber outsole extends the shoe's durability. In addition, the specially designed patterns allow for perfect grip on uneven terrain optimizing stability.
Drop 10 mm.
Sneakers RECON
Vendor code: TKRECS2406
